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tv   [untitled]    September 30, 2012 3:00pm-3:30pm EDT

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which brightened. the sun from plans to. start on t.v. dot com. as long as it needs to last until people's daily needs met your obscene goal from protesters frustration over disintegrating economies and biting cuts turns into violent clashes with police. syria and iran top the debate of this year's un general assembly with russia calling for peace and israel drawing prospects for war . now to provide fuel in the sun with a video link to the un makes his first speech to world leaders in attacks the persecution of wiki leaks while holed up in the opera dorrit embassy in london.
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hello this is r.t. live from moscow this late sunday evening is kevin over here with our roundup of the big stories of the last seven days and first protests against biting spending cuts continue throughout europe as people vent their anger over bailouts sponsored of sterett mass demonstrations in madrid turned to violence earlier this week his place was forced to fire of a bullets to calm the theory of the public been dozens of injuries and arrests t.j. could bring this follow developments. for some time greece to spain have a person in the body of bands the austerity protest in the year is our first time their frustrations and anger only seems to be hardening lessening the chances of a cut by politician i'm appalled as many people feel they're already being fed a diet of police but. promises bruised protesters battered buildings up. coming the euro zone's currency from athens to madrid capitals this week has
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been braced for an onslaught of the angry and indignant oh you want. us to get out all the bleach and sun and rest yeah a surgeon measures job benefit us there just benefit a very few people. on the european union on the banks these are cheats of betrayal the first fostered increase promised during negotiations at. the next door now more and that is the agreements between greece and it's not just in this state without any negotiations they have promised to mismatch of and the other european leaders just to implement all these informal agreement was athens sort firebombs amassed spaniards claim they were victims of police brutality chasing down protesters they fired rubber bullets into crowds the injury count from
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just one night topping sixty this will last as long as austerity says as neoliberal austerity lasts and as long as. it's going to last as long as it needs to last until people's daily means i met the n.t.'s territories rank and file have most recently been posted by portuguese protesters a nation known for its tolerance of bailout sponsored cutbacks reforms that put the onus of social security payments on workers appear a step too far but this week's hot spot remains madrid where three demonstrations oppose real resistance to the government's public sector cutbacks heed the surround congress movement has called for the dissolution of parliament but the heavy claims made to the group more harm than good cause alone in separatism with the potential for spain to lose twenty percent of its current output or likely because the. the
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government yet more sleepless nights but prime minister of hoy's new budget shows no concessions to the austerity protesters with forty billion euros of fresh cuts economists and activist alike have labeled the move as pandering to e.u. euro zone and i.m.f. demands adding fuel to the fire as people populate this central madrid sas day to hurl accusations at police and the politicians they shield. greece r.t. madrid. while some strength the budget others splurge india is pumping more money into its space program these days launching larger satellites some planning ambitious project some far away plan that's we got a report on but interested also to this city is the may did page and one fee for announces the final list of venues for the twenty eight hundred for the world cup in russia middle about the big spending on big stadiums at r.t. dot com. bring you up to speed on syria now there a new wave of fighting has been reported on the scene the second city of aleppo
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which is said to be seeing unprecedented clashes government forces claim they are beating back the rebel onslaught but the insurgents are only talking of a successful offensive kozel t's are mounting on both sides in the battle that began in july with neither side being able to seize the initiative so far dozens of also reportedly been killed in firefights in the suburbs of damascus this weekend meanwhile washington's pledge more multi-million dollar support to the rebels but russia's warn such moves only serve to sink syria deeper into turmoil the country's supposedly sizable chemical weapons stockpiles of also come into focus as last week with the rebels apparently eyeing the political analyst paolo a phony says the western policy on syria could make those arms increasingly at risk now of capture. eventually the storage is really exist it is possible that the extremist islamic groups. because there are different groups operating.
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as extreme islamist groups in syria me get hold of these stories the problem is that this will happen to them or the assad regime will be weakened so it really don't understand goldie any more city that is in the west or one side trying to get rid of assad without a placement for him on the other side being afraid that these groups will take on the cause of these kinds of weapons so it's sort of nonsense. that we are witnessing the issue syria's been raised in the annual u.n. general assembly gathering this week has russia called on those who support the rebels to stop sidestepping international law and the long running question of whether iran is trying to develop nuclear weapons was also afraid to debate with israel trying to draw up quite literally a case for intervention but important eyes in new york for us. as world leaders gathered for the annual u.n.
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general assembly international anger over and islamophobia american film was still pleasing in the muslim world addressing the world body u.s. president barack obama condemned the video nonetheless defending the right to free speech as president of our country and commander in chief of our military i accept that people are going to call me awful things every day. and i will always defend their right to do so obama also pledged his support for arab spring nations like egypt and libya however when egypt's new president spoke at the un for the first time mohamed morsi said free speech will not be accepted as a free pass to insult islam so only prophet. the obscenities recently released as part of an organized campaign against islamic sentences is unacceptable and requires a firm stand egypt respects freedom of expression one that is not directed towards one specific religion or culture but the opening of the u.n.
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general assembly is usually criticized as political theater with a lot of talk this year however there was no talking with u.s. president barack obama the leader of the country hosting the un left immediately after his speech on day one and held no bilateral meetings on day to the eighth and final speech of the always controversial iranian leader so accusations of corrupt western politics and a subtle tipping of the hot to the occupy wall street movement are we to believe that those who spend hundreds of millions of dollars in election campaigns have the interests of the people of the world at their heart in the united states and in europe their voices are not heard even if they constitute ninety nine percent of their societies meanwhile israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu called for a military ultimatum on iran over its nuclear program using some surprising methods to illustrate his point this is a bomb this is a fuse
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a red line should be drawn right here before we iran completes the second stage of nuclear enrichment. necessary to make a bomb israel stole the show in more ways than one would be. what's more the wire coyote nuclear bomb. the really good of her tan that we're going to pretend that you don't know what a nuclear bomb hoax like. to hear israel. run downstairs and look in the basement on another us show russia's foreign minister sergei lavrov recalled another time problems were used at the u.n. executive to garner support for military intervention as you see when my good friend colin powell colin powell was shaking this violet's some white powder in the security council about the nearly can see what they're doing us
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unless we also writes the use of force against iraq we will do on their own thought the fuse three. and the turned out to be that there was no anthrax and that while today russia and the u.s. remain divided over how to end the civil war in syria moscow says some countries supporting the opposition are turning a blind eye to terrorist attacks committed by the rebels and the pursuit of state pushed syria even deeper into the base of bloody into next season strife in the militarization of the conflict is continuing with a cool of an open intervention russia says confidence in the un has also been compromised by unilateral actions taken against countries like cuba iran and now syria stero consequences to unilateral sanctions imposed by state group of states going to the un to advance their political goals we have no doubt that such sanctions just eventually when they are applied x.
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territorially weaken the unity of the international community and undermine the effectiveness of its efforts the un was originally founded as an arena for all parties to respectfully discuss issues and diplomatically collaborate on solutions as the sixty seventh year of the general assembly begins many are left wondering why at least one country has cemented a pattern of acting alone in a port ny r.t. new york just a few minutes away from continuity but controversy is turkey's really party reelected by mr ed one of his leaders we take a look at how his foreign agenda is the same tired old paper is just ahead. flying north with me in this old soviet work or so the helicopter is doctors not a mere brodsky and his team from the region's medical aviation service we head
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across ever more barren tundra higher and higher interest as arctic far north until eventually. we see our landing spot with arrive at this tiny village after crossing hundreds of kilometers of snow a world of us as a boy here suffering from fever and the doctors are going to see what they can do. inside a small building not warm but two babies and their parents are waiting for us the doctors inspect them but can't make a diagnosis and decide to bring them to a regional hospital for better care spread lana doesn't like taking her baby away from home but she's been before and agrees to go that's the usual practice with those who live in it to indra they keep mothers with their newborns in hospital for a month. on the way back another stop to check on the health of some native new nets reindeer herders out in the tundra it can take many hours to reach the nearest village so a medical problem simply fixed here in the tent that. they used to be but now we
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can go to civilize places so we call for emergency help. back at hospital other patients helped by the air ambulance are being treated the service costs fourteen million dollars a year to run and there's been controversy with some claiming that locals exaggerate or make up health problems and use the helicopters as a free taxi service accusations landed near firmly dismisses your brother is not true usually the calls are perfectly justified sometimes we even reproach locals waiting too long before calling us he's been working as a doctor now for forty three years but vladimir is confident that even after he retires his helicopter doctors will remain a lifeline to the peoples of the russian far north.
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the french invasion of russia has started again after two hundred years up at the. church the emperor of the polian has arrived from overseas to lead the army i have to really take my time to prepare myself to get it right i know. the bloody battle near moscow is going to start over. james brown will reveal the victor the soldiers are back to do it all again. but you know version twenty one on r.t. .
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again this is the week highlights of big stories the past seven times with me kevin and tonight gina son has managed to address world leaders in new york despite still being holed up in ecuador's embassy in london it's been sheltering the wiki leaks editor for months now during which britain keep stressing the latin american nation must hand over a stange to swedish authorities is r.t. sarah for. played. a role in the way that. we. find stuff like at the u.n. . the u.s. administration. is trying to erect. a national regime of secrecy and. regime. revealing sensitive information to a media organization can be sentenced to death life imprisonment or not he spoke
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knowingly about his a little bit about the implications that this could have if the us continue along this cools the song the founder of wiki leaks wanted in sweden for questioning a sexual assault allegations now some of the soldiers critics. and his legal team claiming it. will be tempting in some way of a justice not julian astonishing that you can see with the way about the fact that they want the questioning to go ahead they're ready to take that they do you say they want to hear it whether they. know the like documents that came from the u.s. . the fact. that they even there are any clues that wiki leaks the people who work with wiki leaks could
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end up committing. that we would like to take. the policy. and the iraq war a little detail. that the u.s. government said well the palace would rather you didn't know about so first in london then we've more freedom of speech in the future whistleblowers with wiki leaks spokesman speaking to us next hour as well here on r.t. i can tell you that. mexico a major political conference is underway in turkey where promise to read it once been reelected is the leader of the country's ruling party for the last time never once again slam the regime in neighboring syria however. but she of the middle east technical university spoke to me earlier and says uncrossed policy on damascus is deeply unpopular with turks themselves. the turkish government has miscalculated the events in syria they have expected that arab spring would be having the same situation like in libya are like indonesia or in egypt or all this type of believe
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but in case of syria turkey has been good in the last five years particularly very very close to syria thought on their ground became good fellows if you want and suddenly this change of for turkey has done here the policy what the united states of america and european union suggested and this is why they took these people do not support the policy of the government and nato staff member and a civilian contractor have been killed in eastern afghanistan in apparent green on blue attacks the latest such as soltan which many in afghan uniform kill western forces the instant brings the number of deaths among u.s. military personnel in afghanistan now to two thousand after a creation from the pack nationalist forum believes the taliban's revival is evidence of how bad the current mess is in the country. the beginning of the drawdown confirms one very very important thing and i think this should be the
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biggest story from of one is done today and that is the end the americans and nato will be leaving of london as a mess and all the statements we heard from the us government from nato about leaving afghanistan in a better position it is just a lie and of course the fact that the taliban are resurging again and really emerging is just and evidence and i think the the international community the world public opinion should really ask hard questions and pose these tough questions to nato about the nation building project in of dunston where is it and where did they go wrong and why did the international community and the countries of the region had to pay and invest so much in afghanistan and give so much confidence really to to to the united states to nato to do something good in afghanistan which hasn't happened and of course they're leaving afghanistan as the burden on the stability of the region and as a burden on the countries of the region george has seen some of his biggest opposition rallies today with over one hundred thousand people turning up
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pre-election most of the capital and in the country's second largest city to some of the georgians will choose the next parliament tomorrow the anti-government moves been fueled by the recent prison torture scandal which must protest an international condemnation georgian authorities are also accused of high level corruption and cracking down on activists who speak out against the government the opposition claims to police using dirty tricks to retain its image and can offer ports now claims that some of the expensive. the outcome of a recent alleged police operation near georgia's border with russia's republic of dagestan eleven suspected terrorist dead b.d.c. says that the armed men were chechens who crossed into georgian territory and kidnapped around ten locals before being caught by police the news spreads quickly but not everyone is buying it. this was a large denies by georgian security services. the lack of transparency and details
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about the incident has led many to believe the whole so-called n.t. terror operation was a complete hoax georgia now forty seven very successful in creating an image of a modern western civilized state a beacon of freedom if george w. bush was called that but in this case the opposition's accusations are fighting supporters on the other side of the caucasus meet he's a young dumb of he spent two decades fighting on the side of chechen militants against moscow officially representing them in georgia he also has doubts about what really happened at this latest water operation. first of all their weapons were american made second none of them fired off a single shot that's not so the uniforms of the so-called fighters were brand new that was saakashvili plan he sent his guys across the border into russia and then had them shot by the georgian police this was a setup just to frame russia no one will ever be able to prove anything of course.
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he's really cleans the beaches for dijon with terrorists began in the ninety's when he personally helped chechen separatists by delivering weapons and aid from georgia . the pankisi gorge in georgia is really close to chechnya it takes just ten minutes to fly across the border by helicopter so we helped our warriors from georgian territory from the gorge we delivered weapons money to the injured and then send them all around the world for treatment and all with the help of georgian security services and. we got the weapons from the depositories of the georgian terrace center our guys came there with cash were able to choose whichever weapons they wanted and bought them. album of says the really interesting jewish militants didn't diminish even after president saakashvili came to power a man often bridge street as an envoy of democracy. if it will be everything is
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still controlled by the anti terror center or the mujahideen and the gym marks are in its hands they are their people any chechen who lives in georgia and wants to study in an islamic country have to go through the anti terror center they tell you to believe see you go to the center meet some official and they won't let you go into you say yes to you agree to work for them all them of graeme's that his knowledge almost cost him his life following an assassination attempt he was allowed to return to church with a green light from russian authorities after he asked for forgiveness now he plans to reveal everything he knows you want to skin off r.t. grossly the chechen republic. next you got a great program lined up for tonight on the way we discover just what it takes to stage a full scale reenactment of the famous battle of borat in nowhere napoleon's invading troops battled russian forces back in september eighteenth twelve joy.
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the ride that takes your breath away pleading across the scholar's it was a mohnish could you know the biggest salt lake in europe and more than two hundred species of birds but also it is them on the verge of extinction on these islands in the south of russia they find shelter before my brain to other parts of the world much of this here we see the great white pelican and several species of the tao mation pelican which are both in the read data book but there are only forty to fifty couples left in the region your palate can use as well as other species at the monish gugino feed on faith these birds are waiting for their parents to bring them food the best cash for them is in a small area is
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a lake with the war is relatively fresh as fish cannot survive in the salty a part of the money and the lakes get insulted every year the management the lows and all to fish oil reservoir which has failed in the nineteen fifties in the areas hot climate the evaporates quickly and the local saw as natural sultanate state so are just told to push the plates dormant yes there are relatively few water sources here some water comes from the dawn river and some for the cuban during the last three to four years we've had a very severe drought can do to this drought we are practically standing on the bottom of this lake has been falling every year the majority of birds have been retreating as well or they nestle in the oil and. a pass on birds the drying out of the lake cool so threaten one of the world's biggest populations of mustangs. they leave a one of them on and on and someone next destination. four
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hundred is the animals here the area is a protected wildlife preserve it's a place of peace and calm in recent decades dozens of canals have been dug around here to cultivate the local staps broad grassy plains this may be useful for humans but it does badly hit many species as the animals here for instance saia antelopes which are extremely shy were scared away only to be killed in the hundreds of thousands by poachers folke low here believes the substance found in their homes can cure impotence just some forty years ago there were more than two million. living in asia nowhere else in the world but now people brought the species to the brink of extinction this region is be reaching life for thousands of years but now in a relatively short space of time it's why been diversity of creatures is second and
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all fronts by man and nature itself. on september the seventh. a quarter of a million. fields waiting to decide the fate of the russian empire it was the bloodiest single day. early on it wars and now two centuries on the soldiers are back to do it all again. in just under two hours the fighting here will be over but several days now more than three thousand men women and children have left the twenty first century behind to plunge headlong into the nineteenth they come to this small rural area
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just one hundred twenty kilometers from moscow to win a splendid uniforms fire their muskets and launch daring cavalry charges they travel from across the world to be part of the largest napoleonic reenactment ever seen on russian soil the bicentenary of the battle of the road you know. and to be an effective napoleonic soldier you have to live like a napoleonic soldier the whole experience is supposed to be as authentic as possible and that means all reactors really try to live the lives of their eighteen twelve counterparts eating the same food living in the same tents and wading
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through the same mud. accommodation is as basic as it comes no sleeping bags all modern comforts here most people are making do with a bed of straw on a horse blanket. but conditions are no excuse for untidiness and the soldiers have to be ready for inspection at any time especially when the commander of the russian army is in the vicinity. powerful his plane general could use of plenty and his fellow officers have plenty to think about much of them roopa soon we will begin shaping the italians and squadrons we will determine the number of the participants and collect the commanders then there's going to be a meeting of the commanders where they will break down the cost make people familiar with the scenario to determine the tasks of every commander record so that everyone knows their roles of the battlefield. at least nobody's actually going to kill each other this time and that means.


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